Giant anal condyloma

George Kirkilessis, Ioannis Karavokyros

PAMJ. 2020; 35:86. Published 24 Mar 2020 | doi:10.11604/pamj.2020.35.86.20147

A 61 years old male patient presented to the AE Department reporting bleeding during defecation, difficulty and low pain while walking and sitting. On physical examination we saw an exophytic cauliflower like, ulcerated tumor mass measuring 20 x 14 cm that covered the whole perineum and a similar satellite lesion 3 x 4 cm, with malodorousness. The mass was there for at least three years, progressively growing. 
Corresponding author
George Kirkilessis, Surgical Department, General Hospital of Pirgos, Pirgos, Greece (

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