Original article 
Seroprevalence of Anti-Dengue Virus 2 Serocomplex Antibodies in out-patients with fever visiting selected hospitals in rural parts of Western Kenya in 2010-2011: a cross sectional study
Seroprevalence of Anti-Dengue Virus 2 Serocomplex Antibodies in out-patients with fever visiting
selected hospitals in rural parts of Western Kenya in 2010-2011: a cross
sectional study
Introduction: There has been a recent increase in the
spread of Dengue to rural areas. Rural parts of western Kenya are naturally
prone to mosquito-borne diseases, however, limited
research has been documented on infections with Dengue. This study therefore
investigated the presence of antibodies against Dengue virus 2 (DENV-2) in a
cross-section of febrile out-patients visiting three selected hospitals to
assess the level of exposure and to possibly identify the epidemiologic and
clinical factors of seropositive participants.
Methods: In a cross-sectional study, we administered
a questionnaire and used indirect ELISA to test for the presence of DENV-2
antibodies in febrile outpatients (n=422) visiting three selected hospitals in
rural western Kenya. All positive and borderline samples were re-evaluated by
Plaque Reduction Neutralization Tests (PRNT).
Results: The prevalence of DENV-2 serocomplex
antibodies was 8.5% by indirect ELISA and 1.2% by PRNT. Using bivariable analysis, age (P
Conclusion: This study confirms that there is an
existence of Dengue virus 2 circulating in regions of western Kenya. Age,
headache, retro-orbital pain, muscle ache, joint pain and abdominal pain were
associated with increased DENV-2 seropositivity.
Dengue Virus (DENV), a flavivirus, is the cause of a mosquito-borne viral
infection that in recent decades has become a major international public health
concern [1]. The virus exists as four closely-related but antigenically distinct single stranded RNA virus serotypes;
DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3 and DENV-4 [1-3]. The vectors for
transmission of these viruses are Aedes (Ae.) mosquitoes; principally Ae.
and Ae. Albopictus [1, 4].
There has been a recent recurrence of dengue
infections that has augmented geographically from 9 countries in the past 60
years to more than 100 countries to date [5]. These
infections are common in the tropical and sub-tropical regions around the world
It is projected that 2.5-3.0 billion people are
at risk of DENV infections worldwide, with 50-100 million dengue fever (DF)
infections and 250,000-00,000 of more severe dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) and
dengue shock syndrome (DSS) occurring each year [5],
accounting to 20,000-70,000 deaths per year [5].
Sporadic cases of DENV infections have been
reported in Africa within the past 50 years from 1960-2010 with 20 laboratory
confirmed cases reported in 15 countries, most of which were from east Africa [6]. Available data suggest that DENV-2 has caused most
epidemics in Africa followed by DENV-1 [5,
In East Africa, there have been reports of
DENV-3 outbreaks in Tanzania and Zanzibar Island [8]. A
cross-sectional survey reported a seroprevalence of
7.7% in Pemba Island and 1.8% in Tosamaganga[9]. In Kenya, Ministry of Public Health
and sanitation reported dengue outbreaks, in Mandera
of North eastern Kenya with 1000 cases and four unconfirmed deaths[10]. Recently, health officials and medical experts confirmed
at least 58 cases of DF at the Kenyan coast[11].
Data available from the few studies conducted in
Kenya reveals that most infections have been caused by DENV-2[12, 13]. Another study revealed DENV-2 to be the most common
serotype followed by DENV-1, DENV-3 and DENV-4 [14].
Additional studies conducted in the Kenyan coast [15] and
in western Kenya[16] revealed a
prevalence rates of 1.0% and 1.1% for DENV-2 respectively. These observations
propelled the current study to focus on DENV-2.
Previous studies report that a large proportion
of adults in rural Kenya have been infected with arboviruses
at some point in their life [17]. Rural parts of western
Kenya are naturally exposed to mosquito-borne diseases and the vectors
associated with transmission of dengue exist in these regions. However, limited
research has been documented on these infections and no hospital-based studies
have been carried out to determine the sero-prevalence
of anti-DENV-2 antibodies in these regions. Therefore, the current study used
indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
and plaque reduction neutralization test (PRNT) to test for the anti-DENV-2 serocomplex and neutralization antibodies in febrile adult
out-patients visiting three selected health facilities.
Socio-demographic and economic factors play key
roles for effective communicable disease control [18],
however, their role in DENV transmission is still poorly understood since most
studies have been inconclusive and inconsistent [18-24].
Other studies have assessed environmental and household factors in other parts
of the world [25] but with limited studies in Africa. Since
no studies have assessed these factors in Kenya, the current study used a basic
questionnaire to obtain the socio-demographic and environmental factors
associated with DENV-2 seropositivity. The current
study recruited participants who were ≥5 years of age because more severe
cases of dengue fever are usually seen in older children[4].
Infection with DENV is normally presented with
flu-like symptoms [1, 2, 4] sometimes accompanied by a rash [26, 27]. Minor hemorrhagic manifestations may occur, however,
severe hemorrhage is unusual [26, 27]. The current study also determined the clinical
characteristics of febrile out-patients seropositive
with anti-DENV-2 serocomplex antibodies visiting the
three selected health facilities in the two study regions of western Kenya.
Study design: This
was a cross-sectional study, using prospective hospital-based surveillance for
cases presenting with fever at the three selected health facilities. This study
was conducted between June 2010 and August 2011.
Selected Hospitals in Western Kenya: Participants were enrolled at three health
facilities, serving different regions of Kenya: Alupe
Sub-district Hospital, KEMRI/CIPDCR Alupe Clinic both
of Busia County and Anderson Medical Clinic of Trans-Nzoia County. These health facilities are at proximity and
lie along the border belt that connects Kenya to Uganda. They serve both
children and adult patients in a primarily rural area of western Kenya. Alupe Sub-district Hospital is a level 3 health facility
and is the largest in Teso-south constituency and
receives referrals from other health facilities. KEMRI/CIPDCR Alupe Clinic is a level 2 health facility; it serves as a
study health facility for clinical studies, provides health care services as
well as receiving referrals from other health facilities. Anderson Medical
Centre is a level 2 health facility; it serves Cherangani,
Kwanza and Saboti constituencies and it receives
referrals from other minor health facilities. Therefore, these three health
facilities provided a wide coverage of the population in these regions.
Patient Eligibility and Inclusion criteria: Outpatients ≥5 years of age with fever ≥37.8°C, presenting to one of the participating hospitals who
voluntarily provided informed consent/assent to participate in the study were
eligible. All those unwilling to provide informed consent/assent for participating
in the study and those aged below 5 years were not eligible.
Sample size determination: The formula n=Z2PQ/d2 was
used to derive the desired sample size. Where n is the desired sample size, P
is the expected prevalence in the target population, Q is 1-P, Z is 1.96;
standard error, d is the level of statistical significance (0.05). A P-value of
50% was used representing maximum uncertainty [28]. Hence,
the estimated sample size was 384 with an additional 10% sampled to take care
of data inconsistencies [29], providing a total sample
size of 422.
Ethical Approval
Ethical clearance for this study was obtained
from the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) Ethical Review Committee
(ERC) and Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) prior to initiation of the study.
Sample collection and processing
Upon presentation to the three health
facilities, participants were directed to a study nurse, who recorded
socio-demographic, housing, environmental conditions and yellow fever
vaccination status data, using a standardized questionnaire. Study physicians
performed medical examinations and recorded data systematically on the history
of the illness and current symptoms such as; headache, retro-orbital pain,
muscle ache, joint pain, vomiting, rash and abdominal pain. Data on any medical
tests requested and treatments prescribed was recorded.
About 5 ml of blood was collected in serum
separator tubes from each participant by aseptic venipuncture technique by the
study clinician or nurse. The sample tubes were centrifuged at 1500rpm for 10
minutes; serum was aliquoted into cryovials
and kept at -20°C at the participating health facilities until collection. Once
every month, the cryovials were transported within 48
hours, in dry ice to KEMRI/CIPDCR laboratories where they were processed and
tested for the presence of DENV-2 antibodies as soon as possible.
Laboratory procedures
Viruses and Cell lines: Purified Hawaiian strain of dengue virus (DENV-2
(002ST) 2009; titer (1×10-5 PFU/ml)), obtained from
Nagasaki University Institute of Tropical Medicine, was used in all serological
tests. African green monkey-derived Vero cells, kindly supplied by Nagasaki
University Institute of Tropical Medicine were used as cell lines for viral
Indirect Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent
Assay (ELISA): Indirect ELISA
screening test was performed to detect virus specific IgA,
IgG, and IgM antibodies,
according to an in-house kit method as previously described [30]
with few modifications to suit the local laboratory settings [31].
Briefly, one half of the 96-well (NUNC) microtiter
plate was coated directly with 100µl per well of the DENV-2 antigen diluted
1:500 in 1× Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) this were the test wells. The other
half was coated with 100µl per well of 1×PBS containing 3% Fetal
Calf Serum (PBS-F) constituting the internal control wells. The plates were
wrapped in aluminium foil and kept in 4°C overnight.
The following day, the plates were washed four
times with 0.05% PBS-T (50µl Tween 20 in 1×PBS)
washing buffer and blocked by adding 100µl per well of 3%PBS-F (3ml fetal calf serum in 1×PBS) blocking solution. The plates
were incubated for 1 hour at room temperature (23°C). One hundred microliters per well of test sera diluted 1:1000 with PBS-F
was added followed by incubation for 1 hour at 37°C and subsequently washed
with PBS-T. Secondary antibody (anti-human IgG+IgM+IgA
diluted into 1:5000 with PBS-F) was added 100µl per well. The plates were then
incubated for another 1 hour at 37°C and washed thereafter. Substrate solution
(O-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride
(OPD), SigmaFast tablets diluted in distilled water)
was added 100µl per well preceded by incubation for 15 minutes at room
temperature in the dark. Finally, 100µl of 1N sulphuric acid solution was added
into each well to stop the reaction and the plates were read at 492nm.
The Optical Densities (OD) of
positive-to-negative (P/N) ratios of >1.0 was considered positive, <0.5 was considered negative and ?0.5 was considered borderline positive. All sera that were positive and border line for DENV indirect ELISA, were further re-evaluated using Plaque Reduction Neutralization Test (PRNT) to confirm infection specific to DENV-2 according to standard methods [>32.
Plaque Reduction Neutralization Test (PRNT): Vero cells were propagated at 37°C with 5% CO2
in an incubator in T175 NUNC flasks using growth media consisting of 1×Eagles
Minimum Essential Medium, 10% fetal bovine serum,
1×L-glutamine/Penicillin-streptomycin solution and 1.1g/L NaHCO3.
Cell monolayers were prepared by removing growth
medium and adding 7ml of trypsin/EDTA solution to
cover the cell layer and 37°C and 5% CO2 for 4 minutes. The trypsin/EDTA solution was poured off and the cells were resuspended in 5ml of fresh growth media. Cells were
counted and diluted to 1.2×105 cells/ml in Maintenance media
(1×Eagles Minimum Essential Medium, 2% fetal bovine
serum, 1×L-glutamine/Penicillin-streptomycin solution and 1.1g/L NaHCO3).
Two milliliters of Maintenance media was transferred
to each well of a 6-well plate (NUNC) to which 1ml of the cell suspension was
added. Plates were incubated at 37°C with 5% CO2 for 1 to 2 days.
Test sera were heat inactivated at 56°C for 30 minutes. In an ice bath, 2-fold
dilution of the test sera, positive and negative controls beginning with a 1:10
(final 1:20) with virus standard (noted above) diluted to yield 200 plaque
forming units per 0.1ml. Virus-serum mixtures was inoculated (0.1ml/well) and
adsorbed for 90 minutes at 37°C with 5% CO2, 4ml per well of overlay
media (1.4% methylcellulose, 1×Eagles Minimum Essential Medium, 2% fetal bovine serum, 1×L-glutamine/Penicillin-streptomycin
solution and 1.1g/L NaHCO3) was added. Plates were incubated at 37°C
with 5% CO2 for 5 days. Plates were fixed using 1ml/well of 10%
formaldehyde in 1×PBS with ultraviolet light. Crystal violet (1% crystal violet
solution in water) staining was performed by adding 0.5ml of 1% crystal violet
solution. Plates were washed in running water and left to dry overnight at room
temperature. Plaques were counted the following day and the percentage
reduction calculated by comparing against the positive control virus well (100%
plaque forming units). A reduction in plaque count of 90% (PRNT90)
was used as the neutralizing end point.
Seropositivity was defined as positivity to all anti-DENV-2 serocomplex antibodies (IgA+IgM+IgG).
Data Management and Analysis
Data obtained from the questionnaires were
entered and managed in Excel spreadsheets. All data were imported to STATA
v10.0 (Stata Corp, College Station, Texas) prior to
analysis. The main outcomes of interest were IgA, IgM and IgG serocomplex
antibodies and neutralizing antibodies against DENV-2. From each outcome, we
calculated the overall seropositivity rates. Serocomplex antibodies (Indirect ELISA test) and
neutralization antibody (PRNT) status were recorded and analyzed as dichotomous
variables (positive or negative). The X2 tests were used to evaluate
associations and statistical significance of the distribution of the outcomes
among the different variables. Using bivariable
logistic regression, we examined the effects of the socio-demographic, housing
conditions, environmental, Yellow Fever Vaccine (YFV) vaccination status and
clinical factors individually on the odds of seropositivity
to DENV-2.
Prevalence of anti-DENV-2
serocomplex antibodies (IgM,
IgG and IgA) based on
indirect ELISA tests and PRNT by health facilities: A total
of 422 blood sera samples were obtained from febrile out-patients visiting Alupe Sub-district Hospital (ADH), KEMRI/CIPDCR Alupe Clinic (KAC) and Anderson Medical Centre (AMC). The
distribution of the participants by each health facility is summarized in Table 1. Only 36 (8.5%) sera were positive
for DENV-2 serocomplex antibodies, however, the
distribution of seropositivity within the three
health facilities was comparable (P=0.236). Additional analyses demonstrated
that only five samples (1.2%) were PRNT positive with significant distribution
of the PRNT results within the three health facilities (P=0.033; Table 2).
Distribution of febrile out-patients with
anti-DENV-2 antibodies based on indirect ELISA tests by Health Facility: Table 3
summarizes the distribution of febrile out-patients to each study hospital
stratified by gender and age based on DENV-2 seropositivity.
A total of 240 (57%) female and 182 (43%) male febrile out-patients
participated in this study from all selected hospitals, however, the
distribution of males vs. females in the three health facilities were
comparable (KAC, P=0.712; ADH, P=0.304; AMC, P=0.369). Additional analyses
showed significant differences in the distribution of individuals in each age
category in those positive vs. negative for KAC (P
The demographic, socio-economic and
environmental factors associated with a positive anti-DENV-2 antibody titer: Table 4 summarizes the association between
socio-demographic and environmental factors of the study participants with
anti-DENV-2 seropositivity using bivariable
logistic regression analysis. The seroprevalence of
anti-DENV-2 was comparable across the three health facilities (P=0.236; X2
test) with a distribution of 7.4% in AMC, 12.1% in ADH and 6.8% KAC. Age was a
significant factor in the distribution of seroprevalence
in the studied population (P<0.0001; X>2 test).
Seroprevalence in males vs. females was comparable (P=0.604; X2
test), even though 9% (17/182) of males and 8% (19/240) of female were seropositive with anti-DENV-2.
Finally, the level of education, type of house,
walls with eaves/openings, dumping site with cans, tins, broken pots and/or old
tyres near the house and Yellow Fever Vaccine in the past 10 years did not
alter the proportions of those seropositive in this population
(P=0.344, P=0.101, P=0.454, P=0.932 and P=0.451, respectively; X2
Clinical characteristics of febrile out-patients
with anti-DENV-2 antibodies: Table 5 summarizes the
association between seropositive for anti-DENV-2
antibodies and specific clinical presentation using bivariable
logistic regression. Those who reported to have a headache (OR 3.4 (1.56-7.41),
P=0.002), retro-orbital pain (OR 3.09 (1.24-7.67), P=0.015), muscle ache (OR
2.59 (1.30-5.19), P=0.007), joint pain (OR 3.53 (1.71-7.28), P=0.001) and
abdominal pains (OR 9.53 (2.44-37.24), P=0.001) had higher odds of DENV-2 seropositivity than those with neither of these symptoms.
Lower seroprevalence
of DENV-2 antibodies was noted among those who reported to be having a rash
when compared to those without a rash (OR, 0.397 (0.169-0.929), P=0.03).
Vomiting did not alter the distribution of seroprevalence
in the current study (OR, ∞, P=0.354; X2 test).
Prevalence of anti-DENV-2
serocomplex antibodies (IgM,
IgG and IgA) based on
indirect ELISA and PRNT tests by health facility
This study assessed the prevalence of antibodies
against DENV-2 in a cross-section of febrile out-patients visiting three
selected hospitals in western Kenya and for the first time report a DENV-2
prevalence of 1.2% by PRNT. By indirect ELISA, a seroprevalence
of DENV-2 antibodies was found in 8.5% of the participants. This prevalence is
higher than that found in a recent study conducted in western Kenya (1.1%) in
which serum was obtained from healthy afebrile children and tested for the
presence of anti-DENV-2 IgG antibodies [16]. Additionally, a second study using population-based,
cross-sectional study design and ELISA test on blood of healthy adults from the
three rural districts in Kenya, demonstrated a prevalence of 14.4% from all the
three districts [17]. In the previous study, seropositivity of 1.96% was shown in Busia
district of Western Province Kenya, 34.17% from Malindi
district of Coast Province and 1.72% from Samburu
District of Rift-valley Province, Kenya [17]. The
disparity of the prevalence from the previous studies vs. those observed in the
current study is mainly because of differences in the specific focus in the
different studies. Whereas the current study focused on the detection of serocomplex antibodies (i.e. IgA,
IgM and IgG) from febrile
participants, the previous two studies focused mainly on detection of IgG antibodies from healthy participants. There was
considerable discrepancy between indirect ELISA (8.5%) and PRNT results in our
study. As much as the PRNT revealed a prevalence of more than 90% neutralizing
antibodies in 1.2% of the participants, this prevalence was much lower than
that found by indirect ELISA. Although ELISA is known to be the method of
choice for the detection of DENV-specific antibodies in serum [5],
our study shows that use of ELISA as the sole serologic diagnostic method when
testing blood sera may be insufficient. However, it would be worthwhile to
point out that the high ELISA anti-DENV-2 antibody titers,
maybe reasonably real given that DENV-2 infections may exist prior to the
production of neutralizing antibodies detectable by PRNT.
Distribution of febrile out-patients with
anti-DENV antibodies based on indirect ELISA tests by Health Facility
The distribution of anti-DENV positive
individuals among the three health facilities was comparable. This suggests
that the risk of infection from DENV-2 is relatively homogenous within the
populations from each health facility. However, our findings were quite
inconsistent with previous observations in Tanzania and Zanzibar Island, in
which a significantly higher seroprevalence from
adult patients from a hospital in Pemba Island in Zanzibar compared to those
from a health facility in Tanzania was shown [9].
Additional analyses demonstrated a comparable
distribution of anti-DENV-2 antibodies between males and females in each of the
three health facilities. These findings are comparable with a study conducted
in Tanzania and Zanzibar Island [9] as well as a survey
carried out in Nigeria [24]. In these studies, it was
demonstrated that dengue infection was comparable between females and males.
Consistency of these findings could be because all studies used febrile
patients to test for the presence of DENV antibodies.
The current study also showed a significant
homogeneous age differences in presentation with respect to anti-DENV-2
antibodies among the participants from KAC and ADH but not AMC. This could be
attributed to the fact that KAC and ADH had majority of participants between
ages 5 to 20 years whereas AMC had few participants falling in this age group.
Collectively, these suggest that there could be more stable rates of infection
with DENV-2 among the population tested. However, the absence of association
observed between age and DENV-2 seropositivity among
the out-patients visiting AMC may suggest that the leading cause of seropositivity in populations visiting this health facility
may be sporadic exposure to infected mosquitoes.
The demographic, socioeconomic and environmental
factors associated with a positive anti-DENV-2 antibody titer
There was no difference detected in the
proportion of individuals with evidence of DENV-2 infection within the three
study hospitals. This finding suggests that the risk of infection with DENV-2
is homogenous in this population, an observation congruent with that of a
previous study [17]. There was, however, a significant
presence of anti-DENV-2 antibodies among adult out-patients compared to
out-patients who were 10 years and below. This finding express a higher seroprevalence rate in adults compared to children, an
observation consistent with those of other studies carried out in Tanzania and
Zanzibar Island [9], in Somalia [33]
and in India [19-21]. Reasons provided for this kind of
phenomenon relate to the fact that antibodies tend to remain in circulation for
extended periods of time and can therefore accumulate, resulting in the highest
titers in older individuals [34].
The odds of having a positive anti-DENV-2
antibody titer among the males and females in this
population were comparable. These findings are however inconsistent with
previous observation in Mexico in which increased risk was observed among women
than in men [35]. Other studies carried out in Rural
Amazonia [23], Asia [18] and India [19-22] suggested that infections with DENV-2 were more
frequent in men. There could be other factors other than gender affecting
DENV-2 infection in African population relative to other populations. Our
laboratory is currently exploring these additional factors in the context of a
wider African population.
Additional results showed a higher odds of DENV-2
seropositivity among participations who reported to
have no education relative to the educated ones. This is not surprising given
that education is generally associated with increased socio-economic status,
increased access to preventive and curative measures and good habitation, all
of which would presumably lead to a lower risk of exposure to infected
mosquitoes [36]. Though not significant in this
population, housing type may be an important risk factor in exposure to infected
mosquitoes [17]. Studies carried out in Thailand have
shown that infection with dengue is likely to be dependent on quality of
housing and use of prevention measures [37]. Previous
studies have reported that the environment surrounding an individual?s place of habitat can also act as a good breeding
site for mosquitoes [38]. Despite these previous
observations, walls with eaves or openings and dumping site with cans, tins,
broken pots, old tyres near the house, were not associated with DENV-2 seroprevalence in the current study.
Yellow Fever Virus (YFV) vaccination did not
affect DENV-2 antibody titers in the current study
population. This observation is contrary to the norm shown in previous studies
suggesting that cross-reactivity among flaviviruses
could affect DENV antibody measurements in populations exposed to or immunized
against YFV [32]. Another study in Brazil also
demonstrated that participants with antibodies to the vaccine strain of YFV
(17DD) detected by Heamagglutination Inhibition Assay
(HIA) [39] were considerably more likely to have DENV IgG detected by ELISA. More studies on how YFV vaccination
affect DENV-2 antibody titers in African populations
need to be further explored.
Clinical characteristics of febrile out-patients
with anti-DENV-2 antibodies
Even though, those who reported to have a
headache, retro-orbital pain, muscle ache, joint pain and abdominal pains had
higher odds of DENV-2 seropositivity than those with
neither of these symptoms by bivariable logistic
regression, associating these features as presenting characteristics to DENV-2
infection was challenging. A review by Potts and Rothman was also unable to
draw any clear conclusions on the signs and symptoms that can clinically
distinguish dengue from other febrile illnesses [40].
However, it is important to note that data obtained from the current study,
provides insights into the difficulties in differential diagnosis of dengue
infections which has been challenging due to its presentation with non-specific
clinical symptoms.
Limitations: There was lack of follow-up serological data. This information
would have been useful in comparing the acute vs. convalescent antibodies.
Plans are underway to expand this paradigm in future studies. Capturing fever
of less than 5 days posed as a challenge in antibody detection because DENV
antibodies are usually detectable after day 5 of infection. In addition, we
were unable to attribute the causal relationship between total anti-DENV-2
antibody seropositivity and the associated clinical
manifestations due to lack of healthy controls. Nonetheless, these findings may
provide baseline data on DENV-2 seroprevalence in the
two counties of western Kenya. Finally, omission of individuals less than 5
years was a constraint, as pediatric population also
plays an important role in epidemiology of dengue. Therefore, future studies
should explore beyond this age group and have a more representative sample size
from each age category.
This study confirms that
there is likely an existence of DENV-2 circulating in Busia
and Trans-Nzoia counties of western Kenya. The study
emphasizes need for careful evaluation of serological tests when interpreting
results in the clinic. Seropositivity was comparable
between males and females from all the three selected health facilities. There
was a homogeneous distribution of anti-DENV-2 antibodies in young adults and
adult patients than patients below 11 years in ADH and KAC health facilities.
The study recommends that well-designed hospital-based and targeted studies on
population distributions and improved classification and diagnosis of dengue
syndromes should be carried out to give more insights on biological,
socio-demographic, environmental and economic factors that drive disease
patterns in a community.
There is no conflict of
interest generated by this investigation.
JAA carried out
laboratory assays and shipped samples from the study sites to KEMRI/CIPDCR and
KEMRI/CMR laboratories. MM designed and optimized in house based kits for the
assays, shipping and purification of virus antigens and participated in the
drafting of the manuscript. CO and JRO performed the statistical analyses and
participated in the drafting of the manuscript. All authors read and approved
the final manuscript.
This project reflects the
support and contribution of many persons at Nagasaki University Institute of
Tropical Medicine, Jomo Kenyatta University of
Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), as well as at Kenya Medical Research
Institute (KEMRI). These data have been published with the approval of the
Director, KEMRI. This study was funded partly by Nagasaki University Institute
of Tropical Medicine (NUITM), Nagasaki, Japan and Consortium for National
Health Research (CNHR), Nairobi, Kenya.
Table 1: Prevalence of anti-DENV-2 serocomplex antibodies (IgM, IgG and IgA) based on indirect
ELISA tests by health facilities, Western Kenya, 2010 (n=422)
Table 2: Prevalence of anti-DENV-2
neutralizing antibodies by Plaque Reduction Neutralization Tests (PRNT) by
health facilities, Western Kenya, 2010 (n=422)
Table 3: Distribution of febrile
out-patients with anti-DENV-2 antibodies based on indirect ELISA tests by
Health Facility and as stratified according to gender and age, western Kenya,
Table 4: Factors associated with
anti-DENV-2 seropositivity among febrile out-patients
visiting selected health facilities in Western Kenya, 2010
Table 5: Clinical characteristics
of febrile out-patients with anti-DENV-2 antibodies, Western Kenya, 2010
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